Artworks by
Jan Smith Castronuovo
Artworks Received Telepathically
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About the Artist
©2017 Janet S. Castronuovo
I began drawing at an early age and never stopped enjoying the simplicity of pencil on paper. After studying at the undergraduate and graduate levels in fine art, ultimately garnering an MFA in printmaking & graphic design, my work was exhibited extensively throughout the U.S. and I began working full-time as an artist
for the first time. After moving north, in addition to working at an advertising firm as a typesetter, new artwork continued to come through, and eventually I began my own book design business helping people to self-publish by illustrating, typesetting and preparing their manuscripts for printing. It was also around this time, as a new mother, that I started carving wood sculpture again.
A spiritual awakening had begun within me and I wanted to know more. Through meditation and working with Guru Madeleine, a Master Teacher of metaphysics, I became more aware of my purpose in life and learned the importance of self-discipline. She opened me to telepathy, which allowed me to discover more of who I am in connection to Divine Mind. It is because of her teachings, guidance, energy and love over the years that I am the artist that I have become today, listening and following my inner teacher in order to grow along the path to self-mastery.
My artistic process is aligned with a higher purpose. It is a spiritual process, not an egoic one. As a Seeker of Truth, my desire is to rise above the ego and to allow higher thought to permeate my being in order to bring forward higher awarenesses, and artworks that have the potential to heal. I give thanks to the Source, The Holy Order of Yodh, and to Guru Madeleine for making the connection to higher awareness possible for me.